Sunday, May 22, 2011

ONE - Spell your name without vowels: Shlb
TWO - Are you single?: Yes...Always have been.
THREE - Whats your favorite number?: 2, 6, 20, 96 XD
FOUR - What color do you wear most?: Black, Green, White...IDK GREY!?
FIVE - Least favorite color?: Orange...
SIX - Favorite candy?: Reese's
SEVEN - What do you smoke?: Nothing
EIGHT - Are you happy with your life right now?: Eh, IDK
NINE - Anyone ever said you resemble a celebrity?: Yes...I forget who.
TEN - What is your favorite class in school?: English, History
ELEVEN - Do you shop at Hollister/DC/Bluenotes?: No
TWELVE - How do you make money?: Birthday and Christmas...D:
THIRTEEN - Who is your best friend?: Shaina, Alanah....AND SWEDEN :D
FOURTEEN - Where do you go to school?: Where I live now :|
FIFTEEN - Are you outgoing?: ...IDK...
SIXTEEN - One word to describe you?: Penis
SEVENTEEN - Favorite pair of shoes?: My regular shoes...OMG I REMEMBER MY DREAM YESTERDAY XD I HAD TO WEAR HIGH HEELS EVERY WERE...I'm the ONLY girl in the world who is cumfy in high heels XD I swear XD
EIGHTEEN - Do you own big sunglasses?: No.
NINETEEN - Where do you wish you were right now?: Sweden D:?
TWENTY - What should you be doing right now?: Hooommee woorrkkkkkkkk
TWENTY ONE - Do you have a crush on anyone right now?: Yep Yep...

Honestly, what's on your mind right now?: Lady Gaga!!
Honestly, what are you doing right now?: Sitting and typing shit like this "HURP SUCKTRUMETSGUYZZZ"
Honestly, have you done something bad today?: Hmm...I have short term memory lose...please check back in like 5 years please.
Honestly, do you watch Disney Channel?: Nope! Eww
Honestly, who is the last person you talked to on the phone?: Shaina?? :D
Honestly, are you jealous of someone right now?: ...Maybe? IDK
Honestly, what makes you mad most of the time?: Dad, Ignorance...IDK same old same old.
Honestly, do you bite your nails?: No...EWWWYY
Honestly, do you want to see someone this very moment: YES D: SHAINA...
Honestly, are you keeping a big secret right now?: Not...REALLY?
Honestly, do you have a friend you don't actually like?: No...>_> It wouldn't be considered a friend then

Can you blow a bubble?: Snot? Spit? Gum? Soap...ALL OF THE ABOVEE.
Can you dance?: No D:
Can you do a cart wheel?: Yes...XD
Can you tie a cherry stem with your mouth?: Nope D: I almost did once though ;D
Can you whistle?: Yes...
Can you wiggle your ears?: No
Can you wiggle your nose?: No
Can you roll your tongue?: Yes
Can you make a clover with your tongue?: Yes

What do you do when you're mad?: Cry, Hit, Scream, Cuss...YES
What's the worst thing you've done when you were mad?: Hit someone.
Ever made anyone cry when you were mad?: Yes...

Ever really cried your heart out?: All the time :\
Ever cried yourself to sleep?: Yes
Ever cried on your friend's shoulder?: Nope? Amanda did to me though...OH NO...Shaina did too D:
Ever cried over the opposite sex?: Maybe?
Ever cried over the same sex?: Maybe?
Do you cry when you get an injury?: Not really,
Do certain songs make you cry?: Yes...
Do certain movies make you cry?: YESSSS
Ever cried from reading a book?: YESSS DDD:

Are you usually a happy person?: 50/50
What makes you the happiest?: SHAINA, SWEDEN..............IDK RAINBOWS....LADY GAGA!!
Does being with your friends make you happy?: DUH!
Do you wish you were happier?: YES!~!~
Is being happy overrated?: NO!
Can music make you happy?: Yes :D

How many times have you had your heart broken?: None...??
Have you ever loved someone so much that you'd die for them?: Not in Love...Fuck you all I'm not dying for ANYBODY
Has anyone besides your friends and family ever said I love you?: Nope

Do you actually hate anyone?: A lot of people
Have you ever been on a hit list?: ??
Are you a mean bully?: No
Do you hate George Bush?: No and Yes...IDK!

Is your self-esteem extremely low?: Yeah
Do you think you're good looking?: NO!
Do you wish you could be someone else?: Maybe IDK

What is your current hair color?: Light ALWAYS
What is your eye color?: Dark brown
What is your skin tone?: Yellow ish....
Current piercings?: Ears
Straight hair or curly?: WAVYYY ;A;

What shirt are you wearing?: Fashion is NOT a luxury
Necklaces?: No
Shoes?: No

Hugged someone?: Of COURSE!
Been on the phone until the sun came up?: No
Laughed so hard you peed in your pants?: MORE THAN ONCE....PROBABLY MORE THEN FIVE TIMES XDD
Laughed so hard you cried?: YEAH1!!
Got in a fight with someone?: Yeah

Person you talked to in person?: Mom? Aj? IDK
Person you talked to online?: ...Ughh IDK
Person you hugged?: Mommy? Shaina? IDKKKK

Do you like surveys?: No?? MAYBE???
Do you get along with your parents?: My mom yes...
Do you have mental breakdowns?: yes all the time

Current mood: ALL OF EM lol em
Current music: Lady Gaga - Hair
Current hair style: Up
Current crush: IDK
Current thing I ought to be doing: Fuuu
Current windows open: DA, Youtube repeat, Youtube, FB
Current desktop picture: Me, Robert, Shaina, Sheldon...XD

Did you ever get into a fist fight in school?: Yes?
Did you ever run away from home?: Yes...
Did you ever want to be a doctor?: No...
Did you ever want to be a fire fighter?: NO!

Do you know how to swim?: Yes
Do you like roller coasters?: Noooo
Do you own a bike?: Yes.
Do you think you could handle the stuff they eat on those reality shows?: NO!

Does hair loss run in your family at all?: Dad's side XD
Does your car get good gas mileage?: I'm 15 yo :รพ
Does your family have family picnics?: No What do you think my family is...ABNORMAL!

Have you ever been on a plane?: No
Have you ever been to the ocean?: Yes
Have you ever painted your nails?: Yes

How tall are you?: 5'5.5"
How much money do you have on you right now?: over $120

Last person you hung out with?: IDK
Last thing someone said to you?: ...
Last thing you said out loud?: SHORT TERM MEMORY LOSS BITCH

What are you listening to?: LADY FUCKING GAGA
What is the weather outside?: Partly cloudy :D
What radio station do you listen to?: WKDD, KISS FM XD idk
What was the last restaurant you ate at?: Stake N Shake
What was the last thing you had to drink? ...Dr. pepper
What was the last movie you watched?: IDK Social Network


  1. haha cute very fun i liked it and i don't like a lot of things very nicely done keep up the good work
