Thursday, October 18, 2012

due a long time ago but idc

A couple fall madly in love with each other and after a while they began to have a committed relationship. Eventually when they're so far in their relationship they decide they want to deepen their commitment. The two decided to get engaged, however there is one small problem, the two people are both male. In most states in the US, same-sex marriages are not recognized or are even prohibited. Actually most places around the world don't recognize gay marriage, and about 70 of the 196 countries it's a crime just to be a homosexual. (Dugan, 2010).

Many people believe that the prohibition of gay marriage or even gay rights is a problem, people such as equal rights activists, homosexuals, and even the President of The United States. "I've just concluded that for me personally it is important for me to go ahead and affirm that I think same-sex couples should be able to get married." — President Barack Obama. (Epstein, 2012). It is an issue that same-sex couples cannot get married in most places around the world. You should believe it's a dilemma too because there are many homosexual couples that are not married just in the US alone.

A solution to this issue is to contact a congressmen or any other leader. A brief phone call or short e-mail to show your support for gay marriage may be all it takes for a leader to have a change of heart.

If you do not know your leaders' phone number or their e-mail you could ask a friend or family member or search online.

Another solution is to spread facts about gay marriage, or just being a homosexual in general to your love ones. Spreading facts to others and educate them on the subjects that they consistently shun away from. Usually the people you should inform are conservatives or people who are unsure of the subject. Educating people on the topic of homosexuality is good way for community to start supporting gay rights, including same-sex marriage.

Another way is if you're a teenager you could start a gay-straight alliance at your school, if you do not already have one already. It will educate the younger generation and help the next become more open minded and less bigoted.

Gay marriage is vital because there are many couples throughout the world who do not have the rights and benefits that marriage gives a heterosexual couple. A couple who are married in the US has over 1,100 rights and benefits and some additional rights depending on the state in which you live. (Kotulski). A long term change that can be made is that everyone, at least in the US, should be able to have the same marriage rights at the least. Right now is a good time to contact a leader or even just start and GSA.

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